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Intuitive Intelligence Programme (IIP)

The Intuitive Intelligence Programme is a unique and powerful course developed by Srinivas Arka to bring depth, abundance and excellence in all the major aspects of one’s life. It can have a profound and life-enhancing effect on the learner.


There are no rigid instructions, but instead, helpful guidelines. Srinivas Arka shows us how to be practical without compromising our creative nature, thus feeling fulfilled and joyous. Intuitive-Intelligence is at the core of Srinivas Arka’s philosophy; bringing a balance between the intelligent mind and intuitive heart.


"It is an adventurous journey through the intuitive heart that leads to discovering who we really are and what we can achieve."

​- Srinivas Arka

Life is made up of many intricate yet interconnected and interdependent ingredients, but is not too complex for us to separate the key components. These components are like our toes, fingers and senses which, although separate from one another, are not entirely independent. They all need to be supported “holistically” within our body, our psyche and our being.

There are five key components, which are discussed in IIP. Please select one of the components to discover more information.



Intuitive Intelligence Programme book is also available for purchase from our online shop.

Personal Development Courses

Intuitive Intelligence Programme (IIP) offers you the opportunity to participate in a remarkable and very highly regarded training programme. It has inspired people around the world to explore and develop their intuitive awareness, thus helping them to achieve a more balanced and fulfilling life for themselves and where possible helping those around them.


​Our training team, carry out a variety of exciting programmes including:

  • Self-Awareness Development

  • Stress Management Courses

  • Communication Courses

  • Personal Development

Courses are currently being undertaken by our registered trainer Sanjay Kumarasingham in Auckland. Please use the form below to register your interest and we will get back to you as soon as possible.


“When I had an idea, I was given the opportunity to explore this idea with Srinivas Arka and how this could be
achieved. This guidance gave me the confidence to begin the journey of starting a business and follow my

Shirena Vasan
Fashion Designer
Auckland, New Zealand

“The various aspects of the Intuitive Intelligence Programme, with special reference to the Communication and Wealth modules, have given tremendous insight into the principles of IIP and how it can be effectively used in the business for enhancing performance and steering it in the direction of success.

Overall the IIP training programme has been very helpful in illuminating us with new ways of thinking and conducting business, and a practical approach to dealing with everyday problems and challenges. It has given a greater level of awareness, positivity and understanding within the company.

We are sincerely thankful to Srinivas Arka, the author and developer of IIP, for giving us this highly educational training programme.”

Narayana Software Limited


"Our lives involve so many people, and our circumstances are always changing. We cannot make the novel of our lives meaningfully complete without the inspiration and good wishes of others."

​-Srinivas Arka

“The Intuitive Intelligence Programme has greatly improved my self confidence and helped me develop in all aspects of my life.

It covers topics which are relevant to everyone from self awareness to communication skills.

Previously I was a very shy person and kept to myself, by undertaking this course I can quite comfortably say I would not be in the position I am in today and have a positive mindset about every experience or event that occurs.

I have learnt many things from his Seminars, the most important to me is to believe or trust your intuition, which is most important in today’s World where we keep second guessing ourselves.

This programme has greatly affected my work ethics in a positive manner and changed the way in which I handle tasks.

I am sincerely grateful to Arka who has been an inspiration in my life and has given me the courage and confidence to endeavour and change into a better being.”

Motorline BMW

Our Teachers

Sanjay Kumarasingham

BTech (Environmental Engineering)



Sanjay completed his schooling at Wellington College & qualified as an Environmental Engineer from Massey University. He is married with two children.

Areas of voluntary work

Advisory & capacity building work with the following community organisations; 

Nepali Cultural Centre Inc., Tamil Youth Organisation, Youth Butterflies.

Training & Associations

He has travelled on many pilgrimages to France, Greece, India , Nepal , Sri Lanka exploring and learning from spiritual teachers on finding methods to experience peace.

Based on his learnings, he has been offering classes on mental wellbeing , with special focus on depression, overcoming anxiety and suicidal tendencies. He works closely with psychologist, wellbeing experts in delivering programs that have tangible benefits.

Trained in Intuitive Intelligence Program by the founder of IIP & Global Centre`s for Conscious Awareness, philosopher & author Srinivas Arka.  

His programs are based on spiritual insights and systematic approach to the body, mind and soul dynamics. All his classes are offered with love & at no cost.

Community Enhancement Work

Positive Living Events – A platform for speakers & musicians to contribute to positive living aspects in the community, role as the inaugural event organiser, Centre for Conscious Awareness New Zealand


Current Contribution  

Engineering New Zealand

Alumni – Future Auckland Leaders Committee for Auckland

Trustee - Auckland Trade Aid Trust

Chief Executive – Centre for Conscious Awareness New Zealand  

Capacity Partner – Springboard Trust

Strategic Advisor – Youth in Transition Charitable Trust

Our trainers

This website is part of the worldwide movement for Intuitive Conscious Awareness initiated by:

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