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''Wherever you walk,

the whole universe walks with you.

It will work with you better

when you become

consciously aware of it''

- Srinivas Arka


We are a multi-national, registered charitable organisation concerned with raising conscious awareness of individuals, helping them to identify their role, significance, responsibility and their own unique positive potentials, to contribute to the development of humanity in harmony with nature.


Centre for Conscious Awareness New Zealand are committed to:


  • Teaching Intuitive Meditation to improve one's overall wellbeing, to raise their conscious awareness and realise their innate positive potential, their role, responsibility and unique meaning in life.


  • Improving access to education for all. Everyone in the world has the right to receive education, to be fed and sheltered.


  • Improving management of individual resources, encouraging manufacturing, buying and selling of materials in a more ethical manner.


  • Reducing humanity’s impact on the environment and our planet.


  • Healthy eating, which helps individuals to become aware of their own diet, nutrition and less burden on national health services and Recycling.

Vision for Centre for Conscious Awareness

Inspirational Talks by Srinivas Arka - Founder of CCA

Arka Dhyana Intuitive Meditation Sessions


Join our regular meditation sessions.


Everyone is welcome. Come to experience guided intuitive meditation to help bring clarity to your world , reduce stress and improve your quality of life. 


Centre for Conscious Awareness, in conjunction with international academic partners are dedicated to studying and researching the structure and nature of human consciousness, its potential, its extent, and its relationship with the external world.

Sounds and Cymatics of Musical Notes for Healing

This audio-visual presentation was created in honour of the World Sound Healing Day celebrated every year on 14th February.


It is a global invitation to sing or chant harmonious sounds with the intention of emanating positive emotions, such as joy, love and compassion, to Mother Earth and the environment. It is supported by the International Sound Therapy Association (ISTA), and many other organisations, including Sound Healing practitioners and researchers.

Mental Health Wellbeing Seminar

27th April 2019

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