Intuitive Meditation - Workshop
“A moment of deeper experience is more powerful than a lifetime of words”
Srinivas Arka, Philosopher, Founder of Centre for Conscious Awareness and author of the best selling book, Arka Dhyana will speak.

Intuitive Meditation (Arka Dhyana) is a yoga-based discipline already being practised with beneficial results by tens of thousands of people in many communities and countries. It is non-religious. Through concentration on breath, touch and sound, Arka Dhyana essentially serves as a soothing journey into your own private Universe.
Date: Sunday 28th April, 3.30pm to 6pm
Venue: Jubilee Building, 545 Parnell Rd, Auckland
Time: 3:30 pm Registration, for a 4 pm start
All Welcome
This event is brought to the community free of charge. Light refreshments provided.
Register today:
For more information please contact:
Phone: 092799025