CCANZ - Positive Living Series Event - Auckland
Sunday 24 May 2015
It was a splendid location, the boat club by the bay, very apt for the theme of talks presented at the Positive Living Series event on the evening of Sunday the 24th of May 2015. Although the rains added to the water around, it did not deter the enthusiasm of a good number of people who came in anticipation of listening to expert presenters on the theme of journeying and connecting the outer - environmental realm with the inner – intuitive realm of awareness.
The wonderful music filled the hall with the lilting rhythm from the percussion ‘tabla’ and the enchanting melodies from the ‘harmonium’, brought out beautifully by two young instrumentalists in harmony with the rhythmic melodic sounds of the intermittent rains from the environment

Ryley Webster of Sustainable Coastlines, presented meaningfully the challenges of his practical work that he has passionately been doing for many years now in trying to keep the coast and ocean free from plastics and rubbish including other inorganic waste materials. He highlighted that a lot of marine life are being destroyed due to plastics. He outlined his work of cleaning up the beaches, involving many people mainly youngsters, making it fun and exciting at the same time. The aim is to bring together and connect people in this challenging work, by providing training in event management and educational awareness through an open source idea called ‘Love your Coast’.
A brief intermission followed with light refreshments being served to everyone. The next guest speaker, Denise Roche, a member of the Waiheke Local Board and the New Zealand House of Representatives, representing the Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand, spoke about her campaign for reducing plastics, in order to be eventually free of this hazardous waste that destroys the ocean and all marine life. The work involved raising awareness with consumer product retailers and manufacturers for taking action and responsibility in reducing the use of plastics. She highlighted that her mission is to connect people who support the ‘Plastic Bag Free’ movement.

CCA founder, Srinivas Arka, highly appreciated the efforts of Ryley Webster and Denise Roche in their challenging work of making the environment free of plastics. He commended their passion and collective team work in their drive to keep the environment clean. He emphasised that we are all universal cosmic individuals interconnected deeply with one another and our environment; an idea which arises from a powerful thought internally manifests through passion externally; we are extensions of our inner environment.
Arka highlighted that the common sense of caring for the environment has become so scarce that one has to be reminded of it as the special sense which has to be awakened and enhanced through deep contemplation known as meditation or Dhyana; through this the intuitive awareness increases, which helps in enhancing our communication with Nature, bringing harmony with one another and the environment. He reiterated that we do our best to contribute to Mother Nature, and that only a few who are inspired and who know the mystical side of our connection with Nature, not just the physical, would transform the rain of thoughts into crystals of action; and when we are more focused sincerely in action, results are bound to be positive; the future is here, in the present, not tomorrow, but in what we do today; and eventually good actions will always bring good results.
The guest speakers and musicians were presented with certificates of appreciation by the Founder. At the conclusion of the enlightening evening, the audience left with a feeling of increased responsibility and care towards the environment.